There are several kinds of mange found in wild animals, but the kind that affects squirrels is not contagious to dogs, cats or people. The mites that cause mange are microscopic and burrow into the skin. The changes to the skin include hair loss, thickening and wrinkling, and scab formation. The mites are transferred through body contact in their communal nests as well as physical contact during mating season. Squirrels keep warm over the winter by having several squirrels in the same nest. They often don't leave the nest during cold spells. Losing large areas of fur in the winter can be a serious problem and many squirrels die from it. Bacterial infections and other problems may develop because of their weak condition. However, mange is not always fatal and the hair may grow back. There are medications that can be mixed into their food available from veterinarians, but they can be difficult to give to wild animals, even squirrels who feed at known locations. I have heard a mixture of brewers yeast and peanut butter spread on bread can help.Some people think that the squirrels shouldn't be fed, because they come into close contact as they eat at feeders. But these people haven't watched squirrels for long. Not only do they sleep together to keep warm, but they touch and chase each other all day long. They can be very entertaining.They don't eat enough sunflower seeds to harm themselves. In fact, sunflower oil in the seeds provides a high calorie food that helps them stay fat and sassy. Feeding them a variety of foods will provide them with more nutrients to help them combat the health problems they may have.
• Squirrels are territorial, they have even been known to gang up on a rattlesnake. The size of a squirrel's brain is about the same size of an average walnut. That helps explain the rattlesnake move.
• Squirrels eyes are located high, and on each side of their head. This allows them a wide field of vision, without turning their head and the choice of many fashionable hairstyles the rest of us cannot enjoy.
• The gray squirrels diet consists of nuts, seeds and fruit. It will eat bird eggs, bugs, and even an animal carcass if there is no other food source available. Actually a squirrel will eat anything that does not eat him first.
• The sweat glands of a tree squirrel are located on their feet, between the foot pads and on their paws between the toes. This is why you seldom see a squirrel sweat.
• The male tree squirrel takes twice as long, as the female, to groom itself. The squirrel population in your backyard should be enough evidence that this is working very well for him.
• The most common type of squirrel bite is a result of feeding a squirrel by hand. Always feed your squirrels from a bird feeder. That is why bird feeders were originally invented. It wasn't until the late 1980's that people realized that they could also use these feed and seed dispensers to attract birds also.
• The average adult squirrel needs to eat about a pound of food a week to maintain an active life-style. That's right, your squirrels are all way above average.